Thank You GWC!


“You’re a strange bird” Ferris.

Go Easy.


ps. Years after GWC [and similar podcasts] launched, shows like Talking Dead and Talking Bad strongly suggest that people appreciate a forum to discuss their favorite shows. Who knew*?!

* Chuck, Sean & Audra did.

Hey Guys. Its been a real long time since I checked in here. I never made it to any of the meet ups, nor really contributed to any of the forums but I was a listener from Podcast 3. I just wanted to say thanks to EVERYONE for their camaraderie and good vibes . From the people who put on this fine show ( calling it a podcast seems a bit lackluster. and lets face it this production was epic in its complexity…) to the contributing 'cast clan. I really wish Id gotten to know you all much better. But the silence of the podcast is sounding a bit terminal, and since i wasn’t really in the loop , could someone please pass on the story of what confluence of events or issue (s) caused it to go the way of the dodo ( or at least point me at the forum link.) I know some was great news ( Audra’s PhD, Sean and families addition…) but I’m interested in hearing the whole story. Help a brother out?

Did you see this updates on the main GWC site?

There have been a few other updates since then, but I can’t find them at the moment.

Really!? The above May 2013 from Chuck was the last update I saw.
Any news?

Not really. I think there was an update posted on the Facebook group a couple months after that (around the time we got a couple more Modern Geek episodes), but nothing I can think of since then.

I must admit when I got on to my audiobook listening kick I kinda stopped listening to podcasts, now I am done with school for the summer (excepting one little neural networking report I have to write) I am free to listen again.
GWC got me through many long winter dries up and down to dublin and may help me as I Ingress my way around turku, would love to hear Audra Chuck and Sean again.
on the “ungh, 75-86 degrees F the past few days, hot muggy and horrid, can we have the snow again please?” ID

I still miss it :frowning:

GWC got me into podcasts and was the only thing to inspire me to join a forum.

I have been provided with many, many hours of selflessly provided content whilst away from home often alone in a foreign country. GWC was always a familiar and comforting companion to have around.

GWC introduced me to Battlestar Galactica and Firefly for the first time to name a few and reminded me off all the awesome stuff I watched growing up.

I’ve made a friend with which to play many an hour of XBOX which has lasted for a number of years so far.

I’ve stayed up until the stupidly early hours to join live casts because there is nothing quite like joining in.

For those who have given so much and allowed such a community to exist I thank you.

good to hear from folks …


in case you wonder why you read science fiction and yearn for more than the fear and want of this mortal life.

that’s why we’re here.


Thanks OB,
I’ve been thinking a lot lately, about why Science Fiction has been my lifelong companion.

GWC was such an important part of my media consumption that when I flipped through my cable TV programming grid, I would look for GWC.

You still believing in in the beautiful light are ya?
How do you do that?
You’re a magician to me.


I’m trying Ringo … I’m trying real hard to be the sheppard.


Damn OB, yet another favorite movie of mine. Weird, kind of spooky really…


“When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear, and that is you want to make sure your children feel safe.” - Cooper