Go get 'em, tiger!
You want to eat my children?!?! :eek:
What kind of idiots don’t know sarcasm when they hear it?
What? Lesbian porn? How did I miss that? Oh… there we go.
Kendra !
Parents of teenage girls. It’s hard to decipher hormonal angst and sarcasm…
I love this girl. She’s adorable. I have thing for girls who look like she just spent last few hours rebuilding a carburator, covered in oilstains and sweat. So hot.
(Which explains my love for Kaylee.)
They always come through the front door.
All the more reason to hang out in the back.
they always come through the front door? that seems like a design flaw
Ah… love at first sight. you had me at “you’re fly’s open”.
Holy crap, idiots all around. :eek:
You would have LOVED me at 16. I was a total grease monkey. Until I moved to the city, I never paid someone to change my oil. Now, I don’t even have a driveway in which to do it…
here we go again with the weird act breaks
Their family is facing imminent death, and all they can think of is arguing about who’s right and who’s wrong.
This family sucks.
Bugs??? What kind of bugs? :eek:
Not to mention your penchant for making love to pints of ice cream.
Am I ahead?
Cameron just came flying through the window.
as in viruses?
There’s a vanilla joke in there somewhere…