Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 2x12 Alpine Fields


Tuesday, December 9th, at 11 PM

Anybody joining me?

tuesday night roll call

Mr B?



Special Guest Apolly?


Cueing up hulu now.

Tray & Apolly are running late. OK with waiting a bit?

Good evening, my cheeky monkeys.

Apolly’s running a few minutes late…

starting? or waiting for Tray?

I’m ready to go. We’re waiting for Apolly to tell us if she’s done working her Hulu magic.

got it–I’ll take this opportunity to change my avatar

Good evening my friends, the whiskey tonight is… Coca Cola Classic, and the cigar is… a meatball sub from Subway.

Oh, hey, I just noticed- I’m a special guest! :smiley: I feel special!

Are we all ready now?

Let’s boogie!

Yeah, special guest! And we don’t mean the special parking kind of special! Yay!

Only because you don’t join us much. If you were here more often, you’d barely get mentioned, like Tray and me. :smiley:

Go, go, go!

OK, pressing play!

right, you were only top o’ the list :smiley:

Aw, thanks- usually it’s in the shortbus window licking kind of way…

The pains of working nights. :frowning:

I like not being mentioned. I prefer work on my plan of world domination while evading attention. In time, you’ll all bow to me.