Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 2x11 Self Made Man


Tuesday, December 2nd, at 11 PM ET

Anybody out there?

I’m here… where’s Lady?

here I is.

we starting?

Is FT coming too?

dunno–I didn’t notice that he said anything about it

Nope, apparently not. Starting now!

looks like not

So… we starting?

so annoyed–accidentally read a spoilery snippet on the main SCC thread

Now why’d you go and do a a thing like that?

Before we start, I just want to reinterate that I hate Riley. Seriously, I think one of the reasons I keep watching is to see Riley die a horrible death.

Yes. I’m at Happy New Year. Let me know when you’re there.

just dim witted, I guess

There were people who said the same on Buffy. I was never one of them, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cameron has a friend? How did this happen?

oops again! I’m in the library with unknown male

LOL! I didn’t dislike Riley. I just liked Spike WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more

I wandered into that thread and quickly realized that it was very spoilery. Quickly backed out, before my mind was corrupted.