Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles 2x10 Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point

Tuesday, November 25th, at 11 PM

am I alone again? I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll wait to start

Moi ici! I’m ready!

Moi, uh, too! Press play!


What the frak is she doing???

Are you hiding, DBT? (I can see you. :p)

She’s trying to figure out if the terminator carcass is buried there.

Oh, yeah, I’m in stealth mode. I should turn that off now.

Wouldn’t it be obvious if the ground had been disturbed recently?

True. But they are out of leads, and they are now wondering if Ellison is a really, really a good gardener.

Am I just smarter than them, or is it really obvious that the individual pieces of the AI are scattered, so that the “big picture” isn’t too easy to see?

so John’s gone all Marlon Brando on them?

Who is she to talk, after spending the rest of her life with OGG?

It just occurred to me that Ellison bringing the Cromartie carcass to Shirley Manson in the last episode is an interesting development. Shirley Manson can probably easily get an Type 888 body to help with development, if she wants to. Surely she knows of their existance. I thought last week that this treachery is going to help with the rise of Skynet, but in reality, it won’t. If anything, it’ll make Shirley Manson to reveal herself to Ellison.

In the eccentric recluse sense or the gaining so much weight that it’s impossible to see that he used to be attractive sense?

What do you mean? Really, really fat?


Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines. I don’t really see what it gains her – or him, for that matter…

foster kid, huh? are they conspiring to make us feel sorry for her so we won’t hate her guts quite so much?

LOL! you guys are a riot. I meant in the crazy reclusive leader sense