Terminator Omnibus?

I’m currently looking at the two Terminator omnibuses from Dark Horse on Amazon. What sucks is that they don’t have the look-inside thing for those two and I’m really not sure what to expect or whether the Terminator comics are any good. Has anyone read those or one or more of the stories collected in those and could give me some advice?

They’re okay, they sometimes feel like Judge Dredd though.

Not in a good way.

If you like the Dark Horse Alien books, they’re great.

Thanks for the info, I eventually found that the Dark Horse site has some previews and they didn’t really look like something I’d enjoy. I’m looking into Guggenheim’s “Resurrection” now…

This makes no sense to me.

Judge Dredd stories feel like Judge Dredd Stories for the sake of it. Same with the Terminator stories. The comics were aimed at people who wanted the same thing all the time.