Talk about some SWEET SCI-FI Christmas presents...

Now, I’m 23, so my parents have long ago stopped giving my toys for Christmas.

But fortunately I have a little brother who’s 7 and a half years old. And it’s actually not that hard to brainwash a kid to love, adore and worship Star Wars. So, for Christmas, he was given the Star Wars Lego A-Wing and Imperial Star Destroyer, which I got to put together with him. Now, isn’t that cool?

And he’s hugely addicted to Star Wars, he started collecting the Lego even before my parents would let him watch the movies and now that he’s seen the original trilogy, he’s already starting to read the books and play X-Wing Alliance.

And folks, I tell you, it’s like having a child of your own, it’s so wonderful, it’s like through him I get to explore the entire Star Wars universe once again from scratch, it’s like looking through his eyes and re-living all his amazement and his sense of wonder, it’s awesome. And I get to play with his toys. I wish Lego had made Star Wars back in the early 90s…

Merry Christmas to all!

My youngest nephew is 7 1/2 and he likes the original trilogy of Star Wars too…so that’s what I got him for Christmas. Saves his parents from re-renting them over and over which is what he’s had them doing. :smiley:

I’ve had a few cool ones back in the day.

I got and still have the playmates Enterprise-D, the one with lights and sounds.

Don’t know if anyone remembers these, but my several of my winters consisted of playing with Lego sets like this:
That one being my favorite.

hell yeah, I had the Ice Planet stuff too, that must be in the basement somewhere, in a disassembled state.

and do you remember the Lego Space Police?


I’m looking for a picture of the huge Space Police cruiser, that was my favorite toy, but I can’t seem to find one…

Oh yeah. I still have that set, and I belive its still put together.

Mine actually looks somewhat different, I forgot how many changes I made to it over the years.

If anyone is interested I could take pictures to show off whats left of my still assembled space legos.

I didn’t go crazy this year. I just bought myself Mass Effect(which I have been playing since it came out, and book 3 of the lost fleet series.

I am 35… my brother (who is 49) bought me the Transformer version of Boba Fett’s Slave-1. Goooood times. He regails my wife with tales of the 8 year old me shouting Boba Fett! Boba Fett!