Taking another shot at an alternate ending to Jedi


Made this last night.

Brilliant. :smiley:

Awesome. With sauce.

whoops! Hate when that happens…

Badger’s been saying that for years. So glad someone put it together.

A lot of us have. Nice to actually see it, though.

Nice job!! :smiley:
Mon Mothma voice on Many Ewoks have lost their lives helping us to destroy the Death Star off

It is posted on Boing Boing! Congratulations!

And ToplessRobot and Neatorama and doubtless others by now.

Remember us little people!

oh man, that was hilarious. tears and everything.

This got linked on MetaFilter too. Damn, dude.

Whoa, it’s passed 100,000 views! Now where do I go to get all my theoretical dollars? :wink:

Keep it up, and they’ll call you.

(Seriously, that’s how the affiliate program works.)