T-Shirt Merch Contest

I’m waiting for season four. Yup. Patiently waiting. la, la, la. Any time now… Jezzz…

It’s a knife, not a razor.

bloody hell dismal you’re in a very creative mood!

Has anybody noticed how much Chuck reminds you of Adama? How Sean looks like Helo without his shirt? or how Andra and Six are almost twins?

— Does sucking up get me a geek card?

Direct-to-Archive #4 - Fried Green Tomatoes

“Lose weight now, ask me how.” - Lee in a fat suit

Wha-happen to the daggits?

They have a plan. It’s not a very detailed plan. Mostly it involves sticking their hands in damp jello while making grand pronouncements. But mark my words, it’s a plan.

How many toasters does it take to plant a shrub?


— Dismal with a not very creative response (brain fry mostly)

Alright, which one of you tinkled in the goo?

My other car is a resurrection ship.

I like that one.

Re Elect Roslin!

(the “Re” should be crossed out; I tried to do strikethrough text here but couldn’t get it to work.)

Hours of GWC (approx. 128) vs. episodes to talk about (60).

Ratio: 2.14 to 1

Who doesn’t like Pi?

Got Goo?

Season 4 — Episode 1 — “He that Believeth in Me” — 4/4/2008 (if you believeth in that)

Damn… that’s a good one.

— Dismal bows his head in shame

Sorry…I got excited.

  • Grandpa Goo

Card carrying Geek

<Geek card image on back>