SURPRISE FRAK - Highlander (Director's Cut)

There can be only one!

Are we starting now then?

Dude just got some head in the parking garage. :slight_smile:

Joinus in watching Highlander!

There can be only one!

Netflix Instant Watch

Alright hitting play then!

I totally just started another thread because I didn’t see this one…


I merged them, because THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you start at 8? It’d be nice if we were sort of in sync. :slight_smile:

I idn’t remember they started with wrestling

Yep, started at 8:00. Ish. 8:03? Right now we’re in 1536.



That’s the way wars should be fought: wandering around screaming your own name. :slight_smile:

Man, I so had the hots for Lambert back in the day

Neither did Filmsack. :slight_smile:

Yeah, he was sort of sexy in this.

I remember hockey. And BTW:

Opening narration:

From the Dawn of Time we came, moving silently down through the centuries. Living many secret lives. Struggling to reach the Time of the Gathering, when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you…until now.

Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez

Alright since I’m the lame one…I need a time check, I can ff a bit

OK, good, then we’re all at different parts of the movie. :stuck_out_tongue:

19 minutes.

alrighty then! FF’d

“He’s a Highlander, by God! Don’t let the last sound he hears be a wailing woman!”

But the lamentation of the women is the best part! :cool:

'80s hair! :eek: