[SURPRISE] Buffy Catch-up Megafrak

3x18 Earshot at :35


cool :cool:

True. That’s why I keep picking on Xander.

Yes, please.

:35 OK?

:35 it is.

works for me :smiley: I have to head out for a bit during either Choices or The Prom. I’ve been commanded to procure dinner at In-N-Out :Tray gets gastric nostalgia:

…whereas I get giggly from double entendre. :slight_smile:

I really love this episode, not the least of which because of the various revelations it had. Plus, of course, there was the whole controversy that kept them from airing it during the first run of the series.

LOL–yes, that one’s been done before. when I was in high school, the “cool” upperclassmen who had their own cars (as opposed to those who drove their parents’) would get In-N-Out Burger bumper stickers to put on them and cut out the B and the final R

In-n-out. Where delicious food and childish sexual metaphors meet.

me too–plus it’s a Jane ep featuring Jonathan

not liking the flat, pseudo-frizzy Buffy hair in this ep

In high school, we used to skip classes and run away to Del Taco. There was a In-n-out nearby, but I didn’t have a car, so I never got out there. If the cool kids are hanging out there, I’ve never seen it. In hindsight, perhaps it says something about me.

Wait, Cordy is a cheerleader? I thought she didn’t make that team.

this pep rally scene is really annoying. I like Freddy’s evaluation, though

oh, no. she made it. Amy cursed her to get her off the team, but one assumes she got back on once her blindness wore off

Ok, I hate to be the one to point this out, but Cordy’s boobs are too big and bouncy for a cheerleader. Not exactly an athletic body type.

Oh yeah. That. I remember.

LOL!! first time I’ve heard a guy complain about that!

I always thot it had more to do with how she looked in the outfit.

“I still have knee-marks on my back!” :smiley: