[SURPRISE] Buffy Catch-up Megafrak

[b]Saturday, 29 August 2009
5 PM Eastern - 2 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

Episodes TBD[/b]

3x15, Consequences.

Starting at 5ET/2PT (-ish).

Starting now, on Hulu.

ETA: Hooray! New ad experiences! Fancy Feast FTW! :stuck_out_tongue:

Slayers are really good at killing things, but not so much with getting rid of the bodies. Weighting and dumping never works.

I prefer Cesar. He was a Roman leader.

They are so used to body just simply disappearing into thin air. Dust-like.

I love how douchey the young Wesley is. He needs to be broken in a bit.

Stammering Wesley…

“… I’m here to watch… girls…”

Hmm. I’ve always thought “jailbait” was one word.

Hmm. Shredder of happiness. I must get one of those.

They actually did an episode where that came up. I think it was early in the second season, when Buffy killed a demon and had to deal with a gooey corpse.

Oh, he will be. The original plan for the character was that Faith would kill him, thereby cementing her descent to the dark side.

Needs a bigger maw to really maximize the happiness. :slight_smile:

They are really trying to Faith look evil and unstable with wardrobe and hair/makeup. And they are trying to make Buffy look white as snow. A little over the top.

Really? I hadn’t noticed. Their respective styles aren’t really all that different than usual, IMO.

Hmm. Faith the evil queen. I think I might have enjoyed that. But I’m not really digging the sappy, conflicted kind of descent into evil. I prefer the happy, cheerful, “I’m enjoying this all the way” kind of evil. Like the mayor.

Jesus, Willow, just shut the fuck up for half a second.

I think they just liked Eliza Dushku and the character in general. If she went whole-hog evil, she’d eventually have to be killed.

Well, I’m assuming Giles is playing Faith… there’s no way Giles believes Faith’s bullshit over Buffy’s.

Not really her strong suit. She’s kind of a spaz early on. She’ll get better.

And… there we go. Called it.