Superpower Poll "Heroes" Style

With Heroes back in swing (or stumbling along, depending on your opinion), I thought it high time to ask a question all geeks must ponder at some point in their lives: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

We’re going to play this by Heroes rules, meaning you can only pick one. So make it good and explain why (don’t vote and lurk, for crying out loud). I listed what I think are the most popular and obvious ones, but if I missed one you wanted, just choose Other. And absolutely NO choosing Peter’s Empathic Mimicry or Sylar’s Intuitive Aptitude in an effort to cheat the one power rule.

Also, try to keep all power descriptions within the “Heroes” universe style (for instance, there is no actual Shape-Shifting, but there is Illusion; most powers have to do with the use of the brain).

I’ll keep this poll open for two weeks, and the top two winners will go into a Geek Deathmatch.

It’s always a split for me between Flight and Super Strength. They both have the cool “Look-what-I-can-do” factor going for them. Both are among the best escapist/wish-fulfillment powers and would be darn helpful in getting you out of scrapes in real life. Today I flipped a mental coin and chose Super Strength.

I chose teleportation/space-time manipulation. I love the idea of being able to be wherever I want to be whenever I want to be, and bring people with me, too. I would save a lot on plane tickets… though my main motivator for buying those tickets is now in my house, so yeah. But I should still see my in-laws, shouldn’t I??

And I wouldn’t be silly and go back in time and accidently change things…

Right now, transmutation of lead into gold seems a good bet.

Teleport. I’ll steal your gold Pike

What gold? All I have are these lead ingots.

i’ll take Micah’s power… then i wouldn’t have to put up with the slowness of internet,

I’m going to go with regeneration. living forever seems like a good deal.

time travel makes my head hurt and i would probably destroy humanity. or make us all walk backwards and eat dandelions or something.

Pyrokinesis well i have a lighter so i guess that would suffice.

Telepathy, hell no i don’t want to know what everyone is thinking.

but regeneration you just out last all the flash and zap of the others. and live forever. and freak out the tourists. jumping off tall buildings.

What no Syler power, I can’t steal other people’s power? That’s the power I want, power to steal your power.

Of course you would want all the powers you could, but that doesn’t make a very good poll. I have said before that if I had to choose any one it would be Shape Shifting (not the same thing as Illusion). Seeing that it is a Heroes poll I can’t think of anything better than Telekinesis.

Teleportation and time control might be fun but if you aren’t on the offensive constantly than your in trouble. Don’t plan on getting much sleep unless it is out of time or in another one. Messing with time is also a big pain in the SorryBarb. It may not be my first choose but it would be my second.

Money is pointless if you already have power, which is all money is good for anyways. Alchemy is out.

Micah’s power is interesting but no good in a battle. Unless it is in the Matrix.

Pyrokinesis is a good offense but bad defense.

Telepathy would give you a lot of intellectual power over other and would be pretty interesting. Not going to help you survive unless maybe you excel at blackmail also.

Regeneration is probably the best defense but no offense and I believe Queen said it best, “Who wants to live forever”.

Everything else on the poll would not help you in a fight. It would be between the Teleporters and the Telekinesians. The rest would be for fun if you just want to lay low and stay out of the fight. May the best Uchiha win…oh wait…what am I saying…of course I will…mwwwwaaaaahhhaaahhh!:smiley:

its came down to teleport and telekinesis. I went with TK it has a much more practical every day use. But mostly i would probably use it for completely worthless reasons such as getting a beer from the fridge or flying the remote across the room.

also i might use it to make kids trip in the park…i think i would be a villain…:eek:

Looks like we have a lot of “Hiros” out there. So no-one wants to bend steel bars with me?
Oh well. Keep voting, everyone.

I will never stab my best friend with a sword. I promise.

“Nemesis” my tripping and falling down all the time was you…

Hmmm. My first choice would have been Sylar or Peter’s powers, dagnabit! And I would say Telepathy, but after watching True Blood, I can see the problems there… I’m gonna hafta think on this one.

mine is an evil laugh…

Mine’s not on the list, and I don’t know exactly what to call it.
But I like making stuff.

Maybe it’s super-invention, or just creation… but it’s kinda McGuiver (Or Sylar) meets matter generation.
I would have the knowhow to build whatever I could think of, and then be able to just pull the raw materials out of thin air (Or my hat, Felix’s Magic Bag, Oscar’s Trash Can etc.) or use what’s around me.

Then, when I wanted to build a giant robot or flying car, or a castle out of 10 ft. thick glass, or that geo-synchronous space elevator, …or just add my face to Mt. Rushmore or something, I could whip whatever I needed up in no time. Sure, my first job would be to make a strong exoskeleton or anti-grav ray or something so that I could move around the big stuff, but that’s just part of the fun.

The Generator?, The Artist? (sorry Prince), The Tool?, Dr. Tinker?, Rad Scientist?, Pick-asso?..
(No matter how appropriate, not The Creationist. Though ironic to me, it’s too easily misinterpreted.)

I’d love to travel time & just observe.

i have to go with TK, just for as you said, the practical use of it. I could see bad things happening with me having the ability to teleport/bend space and time

Looks like Teleportation/Space-Time Manipulation is gonna win by a landslide. Must be all the Back-to-the-Future in the air.

Or… it’s just awesome. :smiley: