With Heroes back in swing (or stumbling along, depending on your opinion), I thought it high time to ask a question all geeks must ponder at some point in their lives: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
We’re going to play this by Heroes rules, meaning you can only pick one. So make it good and explain why (don’t vote and lurk, for crying out loud). I listed what I think are the most popular and obvious ones, but if I missed one you wanted, just choose Other. And absolutely NO choosing Peter’s Empathic Mimicry or Sylar’s Intuitive Aptitude in an effort to cheat the one power rule.
Also, try to keep all power descriptions within the “Heroes” universe style (for instance, there is no actual Shape-Shifting, but there is Illusion; most powers have to do with the use of the brain).
I’ll keep this poll open for two weeks, and the top two winners will go into a Geek Deathmatch.
It’s always a split for me between Flight and Super Strength. They both have the cool “Look-what-I-can-do” factor going for them. Both are among the best escapist/wish-fulfillment powers and would be darn helpful in getting you out of scrapes in real life. Today I flipped a mental coin and chose Super Strength.