Supernatural 7x08 Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

It’s complicated.

Chuck Shurley

No, just a medium bad. :rolleyes:

I remember him from a finale when Sam went to hell…the last time…

Yeah, and Crowley is medium-big… d:

Sam’s only been to Hell once. Dean and their father, too.

Yeah, and Crowley is medium-big… d:

King of Hell! That’s at least a big bad. Maybe not a Capital-B Big Bad, but still.

“So, I’ll see you again?”
“Yeah. Probably not.” :smiley:

I hate the not-Impala. :frowning:

The Impala isn’t fixed yet??

Compared to the Leviathans, he’s not so big…

I think they’re not driving it because of the actions of their duplicates.


Wasn’t Dean still working on it?

Just finished a Season 4 marathon - there was one beat where even Dean was giggling and made a crack at the very same point. I think it was the episode about the Sirens.

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