Supernatural 6x18 Frontierland

That’s what I said.

Sam, do not leave the phone behind!!!

“When you’ve done this job as long as I have, some giant from the future with a magic brick doesn’t exactly give you the vapors.” :smiley:

Maybe the Colt is based on future tech. :eek:

“Trust me. I’ve got plenty of mileage.”

Probably not many people with more, really.

“I’ll heal.”
“Good, 'cause we’ve got less than an hour until you have to pick up the kids at Frontierland.” :smiley:

“touch it?” that won’t be taken out of context on the internet. :D:D:D

“I have to do this very gingerly.”
“Or you’ll explode.” :eek:

“You’ll explode.”

Too many jokes to make with that.

I can hear slash fiction being typed out as we speak. :stuck_out_tongue:

That whole exchange… This whole episode is fodder. d:

I mean seriously. Usually an episode has maybe one line. This ep has a bunch and there’s still 18 minutes left. d:

Oh, the irony. :rolleyes:

Bad pun!!



“Wow. Wish I’d have seen that coming.” :smiley:

bad-dum-tish :smiley:

Wow, that was gruesome. :eek:

I’d bet real money he left the phone…

And that was a huge waste of time and effort. :frowning:

A Piece of the Action deja vu.