Supernatural 6x08 All Dogs Go to Heaven

That implies that he has something to compensate for. :rolleyes:

Spike had plenty of misdeeds for a longer time. Difference of course is Spike, like Sam, wanted to get his soul back.

He haz no soul! He’d double cross himself if he could

Aw. He was the bestest dog ever, though. :frowning:

I’m hearing the Incredible Hulk theme in my head…

Lucky! Don’t play in traffic!

“I don’t care about them. I don’t even really care about you.”

Oh, Sammy. :frowning:

Hehehe! Bruce Banner the German Shepherd

Hahaha! Exactly!

Edit: Wow there are remarkable similarities now that I think about it.

On the bright side, without Sam’s soul, genuine Wincest is much more likely. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Find the fairies!” :smiley:

Fight the Fairies!!!

Next week looks fun! (:

the end is so sad… sam souless nature comes out… the skin walker all alone…

Last night’s Supernatural episode, “All Dogs Go To Heaven,” was a great example of how this season’s monsters are more sympathetic than they’ve been before. And it also had a peculiarly True Blood feel. Spoilers!

On Supernatural, some people are better as dogs

Awe. No one else made the Incredible Hulk reference…

Just me I guess?

Btw, why hasn’t anyone (in the show) brought up that even if the brothers bring Crowley what he wants, he won’t honor his end of the deal? They haven’t forgotten Bobby (again) have they?

they should have just taken Crowley’s bones hostage.

Dean would/could have said that would them no better than Crowley.

not sure if the jokes been made but for the few of us old timers…

so thats how the living legend started…



really; nothing? oh well i thought it was funny…

ok so its been couple of days and just saying supernatural owes the littlest hobo an homage or two… guess they did but no one noticed… :frowning: