Friday, 12 November 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
Werewolves! It’s been too long!
“Crowley thinks you’re just gonna what?”
OK, that was pretty badass.
Heh. Nice episode title.
anyone else get a little flashback of “Brimstone” just now?
So sleep requires a soul? That’s such a fascinating idea. I hope they explore that more.
“Let me get dressed, Robo-Cop.”
Don’t be silly. That was just one handsome man working for the Devil, not two.
Cal is a terminator…from a certain point of view…
Would be funny if it’s the gf who is the WW.
All this has happened before… :rolleyes:
Was thinking the same thing
Weredog! :eek:
Did not see that coming…
Well, so much for that.
Lucas breath
The first werewolf seen on the show was a girl that Sam liked.
“Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria.”
Naked guy, wandering around a woman’s house when no one’s around?
What’s so strange about that? :rolleyes: