Supernatural 5x22 Swan Song

Thursday, 13 May 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Curse you Badger for making me watch the episode with Torri.

And that wasn’t even the best episode of this show.

It’s criminal how few people watch what’s probably one of the best shows on TV. :frowning:

Is this the series finale?

“You’re a grown — overgrown — man.” :smiley:

You’d think so, but no. It’s renewed for another season.

After the Apocalypse. Capital-A Apocalypse.

That should be a neat trick. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not my normal genre.

Wildfires in LA?

Yeah, that never happens. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Triple Lindy”

Nice reference. :smiley:

Didn’t get it.

I love Castiel. :smiley:

Wouldn’t he have trouble walking with all that liquid sloshing around inside him?

He had to drink it all? Must be Demon Blood Light. Less filling.

Lol @ Karate Kid commercial.

That Microsoft commercial annoys me. Why is he screaming? If I had a body like that, I would never wear anything more than tighty-whities. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Chock full of Ovaltine, are you?” :smiley:

He needed a lot to survive Lucifer inhabiting his body.

You see how his current vessel is sort of toasty already?

They don’t call him the Father of Lies for nothing. :rolleyes:

“So what do we do now?”
“I suggest that we imbibe copious amounts of alcohol and wait for the inevitable blast wave.” :smiley:

So, spare me the trip to wiki. What’s the deal with Sam? Half devil?