Thursday, 21 January 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
“Young boy dies tragically…”
How else would a young boy die? Ironically? Metaphorically?
A monster preying on psychiatric patients? That’s actually pretty smart. Who’d believe them?
The truth will set you free. Or get you locked up.
“All right, you can take down your pants.”
“The relationship that you have with your brother seems dangerously co-dependent. A little time apart would do you some good.”
Well, that’s gruesome. I bet it’s tapping the amygdala and feeding on fear.
Hey! That’s what I said!
“He went crazy, thank God! Crazy is the clue!”
Only in this show could a statement like that represent a rational argument.
Oopsy. This won’t turn out well. :eek:
Aw, poor angry Sam. :rolleyes: