Thursday, 8 October 2009
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
“Little Bastard”
That is a nice car and that’s Beckett!
I could have sworn that was him. Never heard him without the Scottish accent.
That car was cursed by Obi-Wan! :eek:
When Dean introduced himself to Alec Guinness outside a restaurant, he asked him to take a look at the Spyder. Guinness thought the car appeared ‘sinister’ and told Dean: ‘If you get in that car, you will be found dead in it by this time next week.’ This encounter took place on September 23, 1955, seven days before Dean’s death.
Zombie Lincoln!!! :eek:
“Kneel before Zod!”
Ooh, interesting story about Guinness and Dean. And hello, Scottish Doctor from SG: Atlantis!
They’re certainly not holding back on the blood spatter this week. Yikes.
I always thought wax museums were creepy, anyway. This isn’t helping, Kripke.
“¡Sí, el Presidente Lincoln!”
Ah, I get it. House of Wax. That’s why Paris Hilton is in this episode.
Wax museums are creepy. It’s practically like propping up dead bodies on display. :eek:
Sweet zombie ghandi
Gandhi fights like a monkey!
But…but…he’s supposed to be a pacifist.
He’s little but he’ll crawl ya’. And he’s nowhere near as cool as Zombie Shakespeare.
He certainly made out better than the last time he visited a wax museum. :eek:
I wouldn’t discount the “Paris Hilton is a homicidal maniac” theory out of hand… :rolleyes:
Paris Hilton is an evil bitch monster from Hell!
Somehow, this really doesn’t surprise me.
“She looked really good, though.”
“And fast.”
Well, you gotta’ give Paris props for making fun of herself. And having a mean right hook.
Forest-god Paris makes some excellent points.
How are they going to explain finding the decapitated body of Paris Hilton in this rinky-dink town?