Superman red son (spoilers)

just seems a little strange that there isn’t a superman thread, so i’ll start one i just finshed reading my very first series

Superman red son

Now i’m not a huge superman fan cause he’s so damn powerful, but the series really played with the history and played with the fact that He is just about a living god and the implications of that

the long and the short of it was what would have happened if Superman was raised in Communist Russia during the cold war. how he would have affected that struggle also a kick ass (sorry barb) story about batman being a gorilla fighter against him.

Anyone else liked it or know of other like books superman or not

It was good mix of History mixed with comic lore, and nice twist ending

it really impressed me as a start into Superman Mythology

i’ve read Red Son as well, and really enjoyed it. I never much cared for Superman, but you’re exactly right about how the fresh take on the story gives it much-needed new life. what if Superman was the hero of socialism? after all, if he had reached Earth only a few hours later, he would have landed smack dab in the middle of the USSR. I also like that Josef Stalin isn’t the only Man of Steel in this version of communist Russia.

<3 Commie Supes

In Soviet Russia, up in the sky is only Superman, no birds or planes! :slight_smile: