Straight to the Gutter thread (NSFW)

IYKWIM (Quote doesn’t count in the character count? Lame)

omg 100% unintentional

I have you now! WHAT?!

Those are the best. Proves that there’s a gutter in each of us.

I’d actually take it the other way and say those recognizing it are the ones with the gutter inside

hey, even the visually impaired can have minds in the gutter… IYKWIM

Wow, that’s a waste of paper…

Unless of course its a pop-up magazine…

not if someone “reads it for the articles”…

Wow, supported by Library of Congress no less! I have a reader card there, maybe I should go check that out and report back.

Can you read Braille?

I’ve seen those braille Playboys.

Sadly, it is just the articles. I was hoping for some blind embossed engravings.

kinda like this? :

oh, and, it took me hours to emboss her, IYKWIM!

[COLOR=Gray]sadly it only took a couple minutes… : -(

I would love to go into more detail about how well the embossing is really done, but we’re trying to keep this from the real deep gutter, aren’t we?

Yes. Yes we are.

Hach, I thought so. Maybe I should start a spin-off, like

Here in New England we like this site
It is very sexy, very raunchy and very graphic IYKWIM!

Ok kids, brace yourselves:

The gutter is being moved out of the “Forum, Blog, and Podcast Issues” section and into “Off Topic/Other”

it was a quasi joke in itself to put it in here and ultimately doesn’t belong. Legitimate forum/blog/podcast issues may be missed due to the fact this basically lives at the top of the thread.

Be sure to pack with bubble wrap. Let the moving commence.

And who gets to clean up all the goo in this section of the forum?

Wooo! Smokin’! That pussy photo is so in the gutter! :smiley: