Stolen Earth [Spoilers]

If Russell T. Davies is really onthe way out… he is going out in style. Probably the most exciting series (season) finale I’ve seen in a long time.

All I can say is wow… Sci-fi fans are spoiled this summer with some of the best stories on TV coming into play.

[spoiler]Everyone’s in it. It feel like a real show (series) finale with everyone coming together for one big adventure.

But the HUGE news that ending!!! And a NEW doctor? I thought they had Tennant for another year… I thought Rose was gonna die, not him. I can’t believe they snuck a, ELEVENTH Doctor in and we didn’t know! Speculation must be crazed. You can’t regenerate, he’s still has to meet River Song as the 10th. But wow… I was floored.

Can’t wait for next week’s big conclusion.[/spoiler]

Just watched this. Typical Russel T Davies incoherent insanity, and a bit too much cheese, but great fun.

My vote for the next Doctor - James Callis…

agree on the RTD incoherent insanity comment, but i was on the edge of my seat for most of the episode. so i’m happy for now.

[spoiler] davros! daleks always make me giggle a little. heh.

so, i’m dying to know just what is so special about donna noble. [/spoiler]




Yeah…didnt see that one coming. That was such a great episode!!

This is what I get for living in the desert. We rarely ever get such torrential downpours, IYKWIM. Rain rarely falls here. Cox has its issues too.

It was pretty convoluted, but I prefer mullling complexiites to checking my brain in at the door. It was definitely one for the fans. It almost felt like a gift than a season ending punishment. :stuck_out_tongue: And I appreciated that.

The stakes were definitely raised and 4 seasons if not several decades of stories were coming together. I think it all paid off really well, and I’ll be tuning in next week for the big finale. I thought it was great fun, and had me smiling and shouting “No way” at the tv several times. Which i believe is the penultimate way to experience any show.

I’m still wrapping my brain around:
[spoiler]How are they gonna get out of the regeneration?! Would they somehow reverse time and go back to the 10th doc? It’s unusual for the Doctor to change his own history, isn’t it? hehe

-What is an Osterhagen Key? Earth’s self destruct? All the piddly knowledge Earth has collected so far? An “Omega 13”-style Deus Ex Machina? (cough cough) A device that opens all the bars in the Denmark?

And a few things I loved in the show:
-Harriett Jones flashing that badge more times than the Doctor and his psychic paper.

-Captain Jack’s still got it. Not that it… a time agent wristwatch thingy with newly restored teleportation.

-Martha Jones still loves tight leather. Yum

-An ironic meeting of Jones. Keeping up with all the Joneses, if you will? Martha Jones, Harriett Jones, Ianto Jones, and Francine Jones.

-The Valiant being destroyed in near BSG quality effects… almost.

-David Tennant can speak Judoon with a straight face.

-Rose repeatedly cocking her big gun.[/spoiler]

-Rose was just showing off after all the practice she has had on Diary of a Call Girl. hehe

Seriously though, how cool was it bringing all the Friends of the Doctor together to prove how clever they all are. Harriet Jones was terrific. She always seemed like a character with potential but I would never have guessed that she would just jump in there like that.

The scene with Rose and the Doctor running to each other was fabulous. You knew something was coming but when he got shot instead of her, I was stunned. Happy, but stunned. I half expected Jack to pop in and take the shot since he can’t die either.

The most surprising part may be that I saw absolutely no spoilers on that scene at all. The BBC types are traditionally loose lipped about such things and that one was a biggie to keep quiet about. [/spoiler]


What the bloody hell! I’m in SHOCK! I was SHRIEKING at my computer!

My reactions:
[spoiler]-I swear to god, if Tennant is gone, Imma gonna cry! I SO did not see that coming!

-If Gwen and Ianto fall to the Daleks, Imma gonna cry!

-Harriet Jones was awesome! The way she stood behind her decision and stood up to the Daleks. I lol’d when even the Daleks said “Yes, we know who you are!”

-The Doctor defied the Shadow Proclamation and went all vigilante? Whoa!

-Rose rockin the big guns! You go, little girl![/spoiler]

Will I make it to next week? whimper

For some reason, I didn’t watch the preview from last week’s episode. I am so glad I didn’t. [Spoiler]When they got that signal from the spaceships and I heard “Exterminate!”, I got frakkin’ goosebumps! :eek:

Seeing the whole crew together was awesome. I was half-expecting Leela or Teegan to pop up too…

I didn’t realize how much I’d missed Harriet Jones. And even the Daleks knew her! So hilarious. A little depressing knowing what happened next, of course. :frowning:

Davros! Fanboy joy! Squee! :smiley:

I completely expected Rose to get shot. Even after seeing the Doctor get shot, I didn’t expect him to regenerate. My guess: this is another of the parallel worlds that apparently follow Donna around. Or her “power” can somehow undo regeneration.[/Spoiler]
Can’t wait for next week! :slight_smile:

I loved the epic feel of the episode the whole Universe was at stake…

Harriet Jones so cool, what a way for her to go.

Davros, favorite villain what a way of bringing him back.

Rose and the Doctor, loved the way they kept up the theme of having them be so close each other, yet separated by so vast a distance

What is The Osterhagen Key??

Who is helping Rose teleport to her home universe seemingly at will??

Which one is the most loyal companion??

I’ve figured it out! Don’t fear the shocker at the end!

I really doubt Tennant is gone, and really really hope he’s not. Mostly because they have two outs still!

  1. The Osterhagen Key that we know absolutely nothing about that they’re so afraid to try using… you know it’s going to get used and it very likely has to have something to do with setting everything back right, probably by manipulating time and bringing The 10th back.

  2. Donna still has the cockroach-thing on her back that I don’t recall exactly how they said it, but something along the lines of it gives her the ability to change decisions in her past. She completely changed the world/universe once with it, so what’s to stop her from doing it again, but this time saving the universe and becoming the most important woman in all creation or whatever. Just not sure what she’d need to change yet and am actually trying to not think about that detail too much =)

[spoiler]I think this was explained in Turn Left, in that parallel Earth Rose joined Unit who have been using the doctor less-TARDIS to power her time-travelling. This oddly enough seems to defy the Doctor’s warnings of tearing apart space and time… And when they solved the Turn Left scenario, it ‘appeared’ as if the TARDIS blew up… (which RTD noted in confidential but they couldn’t afford so they covered it with sparks and loud noises.)[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Actually Donna does not have the time roach thingy on her back. The alien girl at the Shadow Proclamation said you USED to have something on your back. So it was successful “removed” when she choose to turn right… again… for the first time hehe. If you listen closely she does use the past tense. Also that’s why you never see it, nor have Donna or Rose address another roach “in the room”.[/spoiler]

Come on! 4 more days to the big finale!

But at the end of Turn left that TARDIS and unit base would have disappeared.

I still have my wild theory that Rose has met up with the Doctor from the parallel world.

[spoiler]I’m guessing Sylvester McCoy’s7th Doctor… that would explain the ‘rad’ grape purple leather jacket Rose probably stole from Michael Jackson’s house. (Before the aliens got him too.)[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Although the alien girl did say that, I’m sure there was still the sound of the cockroach in the background ~ which would indicate it was still there - I could be grasping at straws tho’. :D[/spoiler]