Starship Exeter: Savage Empire - 12/10 @ 9PM

“Number 7 to Number 6.”

They are only numbers?

It’s certainly not because of his acting. :rolleyes:

Trek fight!!!11!

Well you can tell by the Andorian fight. It’s difficult to stunt fight.

Nice shot, [strike]Methuseluh[/strike] [strike]B. Fusilli[/strike] uh… Andorian guy!

Villian gloating.

Gets them every time.

He does impressions? Ooh, do a Targ! :smiley:


Every Starfleet Captain must take Advanced Tree Limb Fighting. Is True.

Those skirts are way toooo long!

Act Eye Vee

What’s with Commander Ants-in-her-pants?

I love that the Klingon takes the phaser right up to Garravick’s face, gets whacked and disarmed, and then Garravick does THE SAME THING to him.

OSSIM credits! Nice. I shoulda had my wedding video do that.

putting on to-do list

Everyone knows that Klingons can’t learn from the mistakes of others. OMGs, the Captain is a Klingon! :eek:

He disarmed his pride. Time to pout Klingon.

Alright Pike. Which New Voyages should we watch next week?

Jimm and Josh Johnson are the brothers who are behind the whole thing. They’re also Garrovick and B’Fuseleh, but use different names for those credits.

Wow! I wouldn’t have thot that. The makeup is good. That is really cool.

In Harms Way. I won’t make you watch their pilot (it was painful.)