Starship Enterprise NCC 1701-F

It looked like there was a distinct lack of news on the subject, so here is a little bit. This ship has supposedly been entered into the official canon as the next iteration of the thematic Starship Enterprise, after Picard’s Sovereign class Enterprise-E, following his Galaxy class Enterprise-D. The Enterprise-F debuted in the MMORPG Star Trek Online as the culmination of a player design contest and had the full blessings of the studios.

I present to you, the Odyssey class Starship Enterprise NCC 1701-F.


I wonder if the “F” has saucer separation capability? Loved the Galaxy-class in the background. The 1701-F looks amazing. I wonder if we’ll ever see her on screen (TV or film)?

~Shooter Out

According to the wiki article I linked, it does. I haven’t actually played with that ship class in game yet.

Wow, that’s a big-ass shuttlebay on the back of the saucer section.

The saucer looks a lot like the E’s so it should have separation capability. The stardrive section would look even dumber than the D’s did, but I don’t see any reason it couldn’t separate.


hm…not sure I’m sold on the Primary/secondary hull gap…but overall pretty nice

Aye, and if my grandmother had wheels, she’d be a wagon.

It looks like a Sovereign class ship that’s eaten a lot of cake.

Nitpick: Despite the repeated use of the phrase, I challenge the assertion out there that this is ‘canon’. I think there’s been a conflation of the ideas of ‘licensed by Paramount’ and ‘canon’ as if they mean the same thing. It would, I think, need to be shown in a film or show to really meet the definition. The only federation ones to meet that criteria were the 1701, 1701-ABCDE and J.

Well I’ve watched these videos several times and I’m not sure why, but I don’t like the thing. (YMMV).

I’ll try to think it through, but at first blush I’d say it just looks like a pleasure (cruise) ship and not an implement of war.


Glad to see I was not the only one having a problem with that gap. It reminded too much of the the idiotic Oberth Class, I remember watching that stupid ship on screen and wondering, “How the Hell do they get from the primary hull to the secondary hull? Do they have to teleport?” This not quite as bad, but… Why? Why make it so structurally weak? Remember Nemesis? If Picard rammed another ship with this one the saucer section would just snap off and Romulans/Remans would laugh themselves to death.

And I agree with Topgun in regards to ‘canon’. Paramount has been very negligent and inconsistent in this regard. I have seen far better ships at ScFiMeshes.

I bet there’s a huge stadium in the middle of that thing. It can accommodate all types of sports including Pyramid and Quidditch.

I was OK with it, but the struts look thinner on the video you posted. On the first one, it reminded me more of a Romulan Warbird than the Oberth.

Hmmmm … I agree. And the grossly curved engine supports (and enclosed Jefferies tubes) cause me some “sphincter factor”. It just looks “off”.

It just reminds me of Angelina Jolie. She’s gorgeous, but from an engineering point of view … awkward. :slight_smile:

Visually I don’t particularly care for the gap either, but that is one massive ship. Those dual supports leave plenty of room to get from one section to the other, and we already know the lifts travel in every direction. Also, speaking from a structural engineering standpoint (I have some experience with satellite bus structural design) a dual support system probably ends up giving the design even more strength, especially from any twisting force.

I suspect any ramming done with this Enterprise-F would be like New York colliding with Chicago because of the size of the ships. Damage would be catastrophic near the impact points but it would be hard to tell how the rest of the structure/city would fare.

~Shooter Out

Come, come Mr Thot. young minds, fresh ideas.

Up yer shaft :slight_smile:

(cool video though.,love how they weave in Star Trek 09 theme)

I’ve played with the ship in-game. But first, a little background. The design submission was more radical than what the final ship turned out to be. You could fly a couple runabouts between the saucer and pylons in the original.

This version is a more incremental merging of the sovereign (Ent-E and intrepid (Voyager) designs. The saucer seems very Voyager-like to me.

As for playing the ship, I have mixed feelings. It’s turning radius is just awful, an turning radius is a big part of what makes ships fun. It has a huge crew (1000), and has incredible survivability. The shield modifier on this ship guarantees a tank role in any fight. The Universal bridge officer slots bode well for making it a science-heavy ship as well.

Where it fails is as a DPS ship. The turning radius guarantees you’ll have trouble keeping your torpedo firing arcs on target. This ship will definitely have less attack power then any tier-appropriate escort in the game. It will probably have less combat power than the Excelsior Refit so many of us Cruiser captains fly.

The +1 (pay) version hasn’t been released yet. There’s some speculation that that version will have saucer separation, and thus good turning. It may also have an ensign-level universal bridge officer slot, based on the layouts that were on the test server. That may be wishful thinking on my part, though.

thanks for your insight.

I haven’t played the game and was just looking at these videos from an aesthetic point of view.

Like most MMO games I suppose the external modeling is less important than “in game functionality”.

Of course World of Warcraft, Blood Elf female models were the exception :slight_smile:

I dunno. The primary audience for the game is Star Trek fans, and we can be very… particular about canon issues. Ship design is certainly an important part of the game here.

From what I’ve seen on various forums is that the ship isn’t quite über enough for PvP-style play. You see a lot of “Why would I give up ship xyz for this?” text.

The look is deliberately polarizing, I think, while still containing the design language that the original timeline ST has breen moving in. And in that case it’s very successful.

But does it have a bowling alley like Kirk’s NCC-1701? I think not :smiley:

I would wager “Perfect Game” Spock had MAD SKILLZ at bowling.

He probably had his own ball, shoes and bowling shirt (with stitched name).

OB :slight_smile: