Stargate Universe 117 & 118 Pain & Subversion

Old blood stain on Rush’s shirt.

Telford !!
Ok easy to believe.

That must be art hanging behind Young.

Rush putting himself in possible danger? A little surprising.

Wray has had more different outfits on the ship than any other main character.

I was just about to post how bad of a lair Matt was.

Good to see O’Neill

Yay, JACK.

Really, but she “would kill for another outfit.”

Why is Eli recording this on his phone instead of a Kino?

Yeah, this is going to be a great environment to raise a baby. :eyebrow:

Yeah, check those…

So Telford changed Rush into a uniform? That’s kind of uncharacteristic for the body swaps.

Good question

Heh, the driver is reading Old Man’s War. John Scalzi was a consultant for the series.

Not for Telford. He wants everyone know he’s “Col. Telford, hard-ass”

Wow, the music here is very Mass Effect.

Yah, that was a nice touch.

Well, at least the “ass” part is right.

Wray and Telford always plotting and undermining.

This is pretty gutsy action for Rush.