Stargate Universe 111 & 112 Space & Divided

“For the sake of the crew.”
No handshake.

TJ doesn’t partake.

Oh, I didn’t catch TJ avoiding the drink before. I attributed it to his pitch before.

I like the way this episode ends.
So many character insights.
The best being, Greer. I think it’s a photo of his mom.

Convenient how TJ is the only one of the blackshirts who usually doesn’t wear her Icarus Base jacket.

Now, it’s a mutiny plot.

What’s that very old song, “I’m too sexy for my hair”?
I’m too sexy for my jacket :slight_smile:

So was Justice, sort of.

See ya at :00

I’ve been seriously thinking of a BSG re-watch.
Anyone interested?

The strange dreams begin.Chloe can’t sleep anymore.

Creepy Chloe sleepwalking.

Chloe and Rush - a connection now.

Rush, busted !
Rush: “Oh well.”

Why does it always feel like Rush is up to something?

Oh, sending Kinos through to scan. I thought they’d send the shuttle.

Because he is.

Why only send out one Kino if it’s going to take so long?

Lt. Scott’s a bit distracted.

A logical question.

Cool music.