Stargate Universe 109 & 110 Life & Justice

“Capt Wray?”
I don’t think so.

She went to Harvard :smiley:

Not looking good for Young.

Rush is such a manipulative bastard.

Hey go Chloe.

“…who do you think did it. We’ll just go with that.”
Nice Chloe.

The troops are getting restless.

Did they really need the parallel from Greer there?

Wray is in command. O-kay-a

Seemed kind of forced.

Yeah, this’ll end well.

So sit yourself down Rush.

Yeah. I’d be a lot more comfortable with it if it was May instead. :wink:

I think that was a good move on Young’s part.
But another commander may not have gotten in this antagonistic position with the civilians.

Yah, really

Franklin’s getting his brains fried.

You know Young wants to deck Rush.

Even when Scott is “scheming”, he does it honestly, out in the open.

No, Wray, it is your problem.

Volker: “Yeah”
funny, great delivery.