Stargate Universe 103 & 104 Air Part 3 & Darkness

Sgt Spencer. Tweeked.

Dr. Volker and Rush -
Oops, you said the wrong thing Volker

Ok, Rush is losing it, majorly.

Eli’s pissed.

Ping-pong Volker goes back to Rush.

Destiny’s gone black.

“Our reserves are gone, all of our power is gone.”

Oh Volker, you are rambling.

“Turn around” :slight_smile:

Rush is about to blow a gasket.

Yes, call the Medic - fast.

Sgt Riley, one day short of 30.

The engineer and the astrophysicist - no thoughts on the problem.

The computer-hacking drop-out is working the problem. :smiley:

Lt. Scott is 26.

Young trades with Telford, again.

“Use the crutch”

“Rush has had a nervous breakdown.”

I find these scenes between Col. Young and his wife uncomfortable.

TJ immediately knows its Telford and not Young.

Telford disrupts whenever he comes on Destiny.