Stargate SG-1 New Order Frak Party (801 & 802)

Saturday, April 7

10:00 PM - New Order Part 1
“A Goa’uld wants to arrange a treaty with us?”

11:00 PM - New Order Part 2
“I’ve spent my whole life sticking it to the man… If I do this, I’ll be the man.”

Bump for tonight. I might be a little late today.

and here’s brunette Weir…

“i would never say that.”

looks like Sam is learning politics from one of the best…

we may fly tens of thousands of miles off course, get hopelessly lost, and die…but we’re “trying to stay positive” :smiley:

allowing the system lords onto Earth would be a bad idea…

“That’s the bright side?”

“More like the slightly less dark side.” :smiley:

Yeah, no more Fake Weir.

Sorry, my league DCUO livestream started a couple hours late today and it’s a Q&A session. I should be around for Part 2 at least.

Wow, the screenshot on the episode menu on the DVD is from the last scene.

Nice bluff, Liz.

either very bad extensions or a very bad wig…

If you don’t back off, you’ll be the target of the demonstration.

Timing’s impeccable as always, Thor.

Beamed from a vertical stasis pod to a horizontal one with no problems.

But very nice pajamas. :wink:

Should I stop for a couple minutes and let you catch up?

Don’t bother. It’s a few minutes off, but no big deal.

Jack’s mind with control of an Asgard ship? Bad idea.

Of course, the first thing Jack does is play with the light switch :smiley:

“Actually, the computer is translating.” :smiley:

Well, they revealed that twist early.