Stargate SG-1 917 & 218 - The Scourge & Arthur's Mantle

January 4, 2014

10:00 PM – The Scourge
“I’m telling you, today it’s escorting foreign delegates on off-world tours, tomorrow it’s comic book conventions and supermarket openings.”

11:00 PM – Arthur’s Mantle
“You’re not the least bit concerned about this? No one can see us or hear us, we can’t touch anything, ergo no eating, no drinking, and I’m not gonna speculate on the other bodily functions”

Bump for tonight.

My internet’s a bit spotty this evening, so if I drop out for a while, that’s why.

Well, I might be experiencing intermittent buffering, but we’ll eventually get through tonight’s eps…

Advantage of watching on DVD. I’ll be able to watch but maybe not post.

Is this our first time seeing Shen?

Guessing there was a joke at Cam’s expense there and he actually understood it.

I think so.

You should be used to being disassembled at the molecular level, Doc. :wink:

Increasing their lifespans? Bad idea.

I would recommend not taunting the “space bugs”.

Very McKay line from Cam there.

That would be a bit of a massive problem.

all that from one little bitty piece of meatloaf?

oh, that’s disturbing…

Yeah, that’s a bit of a bug problem. Or more than a bit of one.

Can they fit a Jeep through the Gate or would it have been delivered by ship?

Caves? That’s an idea of debatable merit. That cave entrance looks familiar.

If a puddle jumper fits through, I would think a Jeep would not be a problem.

8 people with 2 302s? That’d be an extremely tight fit.

well, desperate times and all that…