Stargate SG-1 909 & 910 - Prototype & The Fourth Horseman (Part 1)

October 19, 2013

10:00 PM – Prototype
“Interstellar call-forwarding. That’s pretty cool.”

11:00 PM – The Fourth Horseman Part 1
“Aren’t you breaking some major cosmic rules here?”

Bump for tonight.

Nice cold open.

Also, the episode of Gatecast I appeared on was posted today.

Stargate call forwarding.

Ba’al used that on one of the audio dramas with a rather amusing message.

Audio dramas? What is this of which you speak? Have I missed some Stargate somewhere?

Seasons 1 and 2 each had two voice actors (at least one of which played a character in the series.

Season 3 had full voice casts anchored around Claudia Black and Michael Shanks. The first half also had Cliff Simon.

A couple were a bit odd, but they were mostly pretty good.

That was surprisingly easy to get through.

You should really disguise the entrance to your secret base better.

Hmm, Ancient stasis pod and Cam started the defrost cycle. “New guy!”

Well, given his apparent age, it wasn’t all that long ago (relatively speaking).

A pre-Ascended Goa’uld? Oh crap.

Yup, with “all kinds of super funky powers”…

What security, Teal’c?

Yeah, that’s a very un-Daniel suggestion.

And there’s the turn.

That’s kinda spooky.

Yeah, there’s Woolsey.

I knew it wouldn’t take long for him to show up once the IOA wanted to put a yes man in the SGC.

Note how Sam didn’t disagree with Cam there.

And this is the origin of the Ascendometer we’ll be seeing later on.

Yeah, not all that intimidating, Doc.

And now it’s time to learn just how not under control it is.