Stargate SG-1 805 & 806 - Icon & Avatar

[b]May 4, 2013

[/b]10:00 PM - Icon
“Daniel, we’re always sticking our collective noses where they don’t belong. It’s what we do.”

11:00 PM - Avatar
“Carter, all I heard was ‘matrix’ and I found those films quite confusing.”

Bump for tonight.

Not a bad sight to wake up to, but it sounds like the situation sucks.

So in what, 70 years no one has dialed this planet? No Goa’uld, smuggler, or mercenary?

Oh no. Cylon!

Yeah, sounds a lot like what would have gone on between the US and Russia during the Cold War if the Gate had been activated then.

Yeah, this is a frakked up situation.

Would the Goa’uld really let any civilization with a viable Stargate to get to this tech level?

It’d be a better choice if the “just” gods weren’t the Goa’uld.

Yeah, that’s not exactly a way to win Jack over, douchebag.

Yeah, that could have gone better.

Good thing those words weren’t part of Soren’s Goa’uld dialect.

Good thing the guards didn’t look for a cellar.

Hmm, Teal’c is using a P-90 now. Probably started a while back, but first time I’ve noticed him using a firearm when Replicators weren’t involved.

You know, one shot and you guys will be able to surrender.

Yeah, Teal’c was definitely playing that casual.

Great line from Jack there.

The first failed Stargate game to actually be featured on the show.

OK, that’s changing the parameters of the sim.

That alarm’s getting really annoying.