Stargate SG-1 709 & 710 - Avenger 2.0 & Birthright

[b]February 9, 2013

[/b]10:00 PM - Avenger 2.0
“It probably took the Ancients a thousand years to build the gate system and I wrecked it in a single day.”

11:00 PM - Birthright
“Can’t help but think of the ancient Greek Amazon mythos.”

Bump for tonight.

You know, I’m not as much a Felger fan as a lot of people.

Wouldn’t more of this kind of development be done at Area 51 than the SGC? Especially since Felger doesn’t go off world much.

Oh, that’s not good.

Looks like Hammond isn’t either.

It’s nonexistant is what it is.

“He did save our lives, sir.”
“Don’t remind me.”


Oh yeah, his SG-1 dolls.

Yeah, they aren’t even being subtle with Chloe.

Hammond is not amused…

And there’s the screw-up.

Even Walter isn’t amused.

I bet that Jack DID know that Felger was there and didn’t care…

Flood waters too? The day just keeps getting better and better.

to be exact: P(38,7) = 38! / (38 - 7)! = 63606090240

Should have thought about Ba’al’s fleet before you decided where to test the virus.

Yeah, that’s secure, Felger.

At least they mentioned Coombs.

Is it Daniel, or is it Jim Cantore on the Weather Channel reporting from a hurricane?