Stargate SG-1 611 & 612 - Prometheus & Unnatural Selection

[b]November 10, 2012

[/b]10:00 PM - Prometheus
“You did the right thing, Major. Our official policy is to deny everything.”
“Unfortunately in this case I don’t think it’s going to be enough.”

11:00 PM - Unnatural Selection
“Sir, we can’t call it the Enterprise.”

Bump for midseason 2 parter

Q can’t even get that quote right. It’s “Come with me if you want to live.” :wink:

Not exactly subtle, reporter girl.

That’s the shortest teaser in a while.

Most reporters are not known for subtlety.

That’s smart considering what happened to the other reporter a few seasons back.

“When the president of the United States kills your story, it’s over.” :smiley:

“game over.”

RDA really didn’t like the plot of this episode, and it shows with Jack’s reactions.

So Sam is being punished for doing the right thing?

“Hope we brought a lot of tape.” :smiley:

Love the reaction.

“You’re saying little green men helped you build this?”
“Actually, they’re grey.” :smiley:

“Actually, they’re grey.” :smiley:

I really don’t see them being able to get weapons through security. Even zats.

But if they hadn’t, this would have been an awfully short episode…

Wimp producer. :frowning:

Macgyver time for Sam. :wink:

Not if they had an inside man (like in Air Force One)

They used trinium on interior doors? I could see that on emergency bulkheads, but not every door.

“in the interest of saving lives…” yeah, right…