Stargate SG-1 609 & 610 - Allegiance & Cure

[b]November 3, 2012

[/b]10:00 PM - Allegiance

11:00 PM - Cure
“Tretonin makes our immune systems impervious to any ailment. We live in perfect health.”

Looks like a hot evac.

That sounds like Jacob.

Oh, not good.

Is this the first mention of the alpha site?

No, but I think it’s our first time actually going there.

Nice funeral ceremony.

Quite the alternative to a funeral pyre.

Also makes sure that no Goa’uld can retrieve the body and stick it in a sarcophagus to interrogate them.

Nice callback to the Cylon fighting style from last season.

“I trust you2.”

Good points from Jacob there. Easy to understand the bad blood here.

Well done exposition there.

Why are the Tokra surprised that “everyone” includes them?

OK, that’s bad…

Guessing someone tinkered with the zatarc detector.

You’re not helping, Mallet.

Nice diplomatic solution from Bra’tac there.

“dare I say it, something…” :stuck_out_tongue:

Took out an entire group with no noise. Not good.

How did Bra’tac know?

Not bad on the cloaked fighting.