Stargate SG-1 521 - Meridian & 520 - Revelations

September 22, 2012

10:00 PM - Meridian
“Many roads lead to the great path. Only the willing will find their way.”

11:00 PM - Revelations
“I think you’ll find many things have changed since my return.”

bump for tonight.

Well, didn’t get around to figuring out what was wrong with my router, so I’ll be watching this at my desk tonight.

Well, Walter’s name badge was completely wrong there. Norman Davis.

Not sure what all those numbers meant, but this sure doesn’t look good for Daniel.

Love Jonas’ first reaction to Teal’c. Not so much his outfit though.

“He was a nerd, sir. He and Daniel got along great.” :smiley:

Yeah, Daniel, don’t really need that description of what’s going to happen.

I don’t think I would be that outwardly composed if it were me…

Yeah, I don’t think Daniel would want to use a sarcophagus.

Jack is definitely not a diplomat.

Hammond’s walking a fine line there.

“Do your thing. Glow me.” :smiley:

Looks like Daniel has officially transitioned to action hero.

Nice transition from Jonas’ interpretation of events to Daniel’s.

I forgot the bit with the picture frame transitioning to a TV.

Even with as distracted as I was, this was an awesomely powerful episode.

As far as getting Jacob to stop, Janet probably would have worked better, but they needed a Daniel/Jack scene here.

Yeah, not near as powerful otherwise.

Osiris doesn’t look impressed.