Stargate SG-1 515 - Summit & 516 - Last Stand

[b]August 25, 2012


[LEFT]10:00 PM - Summit
“It’s always ‘suicide mission this, save the planet that.’ Nobody just stops by to say ‘hi’ any more.”

11:00 PM - Last Stand
“You’d think a race advanced enough to fly around in spaceships would be smart enough to have seatbelts on 'em.”[/LEFT]

Bump for tonight.

And here we go.


And we have a name…

Yay, Osiris is back.

Oh, I thought she was recruiting him, not the other way around.

It looks like she may have thought the same.

Great Jack line there.

And there’s Elliot.

“Little joke there.” Very little.

Woah, Jacob seems a bit pissed.

“Bit of a wrinkle.”


“I have to go help Teal’c… wait for Daniel.” :smiley:

It’s a trap!

And here’s Ba’al.

“They appear to be amassing a few troops.”

Classic Jack understatement :slight_smile:

Wow, love Osiris’ outfit there.

Yes, it’s very…backlit.

And here’s the twist.

And the cliffhanger. To be continued…in 15 minutes :smiley: