Stargate SG-1 505 - Red Sky & 506 - Rite of Passage

[CENTER][b]July 21, 2010

[/b][b]10:00 PM - Red Sky

[/b]I’ve got great confidence in you Carter. Go on to SGC and confuse… Hammond[b][i]

[b]11:00 PM - Rite of Passage

[/b][/i][/b]How can she do that?


I might be a little late, but I will be here this week.


Well, that can’t be good.

The great Asgard answering machine…

Uh oh, SG-1 really is the harbinger of doom…

“we haven’t blown your cover”, but we may have “inadvertently, totally accidentally” caused the destruction of your planet.

Of course Jack would yell for an echo :smiley:

“little grey butts” :smiley:

Sorry, the meeting I’m in is running longer than I expected. I’ll probably hop in for the second episode.

Working at 10pm on a Saturday?

Three week time jump, so they don’t have to explain how the rocket got moved to the planet.

Oh look, the Really Big Wrenches :slight_smile:

I was recently made an officer for a league in DC Universe Online, and we’re doing a quick meeting to make sure everyone’s on the same page.

Jack was right!

No Jack, you’re not having a stroke.

Sorry, didn’t expect that to take so long.

Nice to see Sam and Janet in civvies.

Oh, and this version of Cassie is played by the girl from Bane.

Wonder if it is​ one of the ones from class. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh, love overprotective Sam there.