Stargate SG-1 4x21 Double Jeopardy

Saturday, 23 June 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

Bump for tonight.

Crossbow Zats, or did the group’s commander have a…

Oh, there he is and yes he does.

On a related side note, I saw a kid with a nerf crossbow today, and my first thought was “WANTWANTWANT!”

Huh, I thought the reveal was sooner than this.

There have been a few hints, but I think that scene was the anvil. They haven’t completely said it yet, but it should get people thinking at least.

Surprise! Or not…

“Please don’t open the gate.”

Agreed, Jack. Not quite as annoying as Urgo, but close.

They’re having something of a metaphysical argument here. Are you obligated to save yourself?

Of course it’s that team’s Daniel who got killed. :wink:

Does this count in the running tally?

Nice callback on the “better” gag from the Season 1 episode.

Jack vs. Jack. This is fun :smiley:

Way to go Robo-Sam.

Nice Teal’c teamup here. And finally payback for his father.