Stargate SG-1 4x20 Entity

Saturday, 16 June 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

Bump for tonight

Sorry I missed the first ep. Went with a friend to see Brave, and she wanted to see the late showing.

Emergency disconnect = turn the power off

That was a rather obtuse opening. Of course, as I remember, that could describe the whole episode.

“who put her in charge?..I’m not getting all my memos.” :smiley:

He made a memo comment in the last episode too.

Matrix computer

Hmmm…crafty little buggers.

So instead of Sam being in the matrix, the matrix is now in Sam?

Sorry, just not particularly engaged by this episode.

Yes, as you said, this is a rather obtuse episode.

Atlantis did this plot better.

Seems anticlimactic.