Stargate SG-1 4x14 The Serpent's Venom

Saturday, 26 May 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

Bump for tonight.

Uh oh, double agents.

Yeah, Jack’s a bit fed-up with the Tok’ra.

“OK, never mind.” :wink:

Daniel gets to translate, Sam gets to do math, and Jack gets to…crack jokes?

So pretty much like every other episode? :wink:

Nice try, Goa’uld.

Jack, now is not the time to distract Jacob.

Wow, this Goa’uld buys into his own hype even more than ones that actually have power.

This was probably not the most pleasant episode to shoot for anyone.

Yeah, not a big fan of the scenery chewers. I did kind of like Baal later - he was a villain, but he was played with subtlety.

Ba’al makes this guy look like a high school drama student.

OK, these mines are awesome for adding dramatic moments.

That doesn’t sound good.

“very very bad.”


“Just trust me. It’s a math thing.”

Why did they only bind one of Teal’c’s arms there? Mistake.

How does beaming the mine onto/off the ship not move it to a position where it would recognize something was wrong?

Wait, if they would have to un-cloak to intercept Teal’c, why wouldn’t they have had to in order to deploy the mine?

Because otherwise the plot makes no sense :smiley: