Stargate SG-1 4x12 Tangent

Saturday, 19 May 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

This one’s tonight too.

New guy has no sense of humor

General Lando.

The rank back and forth reminds me of a much funnier scene in Atlantis.

Time to buzz the tower, eh, Teal’c?

Didn’t see Teal’c as much of a showboater, but he definitely was there.

Cheyenne Mountain, we have a problem.

Yeah, I beat Jack to it.


Oh yeah, signal lag.

Scum sucking slimy snake a$$ Apophis :smiley:

Some definite time/logic issues here with the trip to Jupiter, but some cool ideas here, so I’ll let it slide.

Target out of range? Yeah, you could say that.

“We didn’t spring a leak, but I may have just taken one.”

Leak? I’m not detecting any leak.

This would be more suspenseful if the credits hadn’t given away who the Tokra operative is likely to be.

Love Jacob’s quick about face when he heard what the situation was.

“Beam them out? What am I, Scotty?” :smiley:

“Beam them out? What am I, Scotty?” :smiley:

OK, that’s eerie…

“You can’t just stick a USAF sticker on a Death Glider and call it yours.” :wink:

Hivemind. And if it was going to happen in this episode, that’s the line that would do it.

“Is that what I think it is?” Talk about bad luck.