Stargate SG-1 3x21 Crystal Skull

Saturday, 7 April 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

I might be running a bit late. Go ahead and start without me.

Ok. Post when you get back.

Epic visual for the opening.

Oh yeah, the nutrinos gag. I should have remembered that was coming.

“to the entire academic community.”. Like grandfather, like grandson…

Why is Janet involved in this briefing?

I love Sam’s smile there when Jack tried repeating the comment.

Good question, to which I have no reasonable hypothesis.

Hmmm, Daniel’s out of phase?

Don’t shoot the ball of energy, Teal’c.

Too late :slight_smile:

Was trying to remember how Daniel got back.

Rothman? Wasn’t he the guy who replaced Daniel in Forever In A Day?

“Napoleonic power monger” gigglesnort*

“Napoleonic power-monger”

I believe so. Don’t we see him a couple other times later on?

Better make sure your resume’s up to date, Rothman.

“Because I’m dead?”

Wouldn’t be the first time, won’t be the last.

Daniel, as his own Greek chorus. This is fun :slight_smile: