Stargate SG-1 305 Learning Curve - & 306 Point of View 10:00 PM EST & 11:00 PM EST

Two pretty important episodes this week.

Anyone else here? A couple minutes to start.

I’m here, One minute till start…

I was off, starting now…

Guess this world doesn’t have child labor laws.

Forgot Jack actually said that. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Teal’c’s eager on the inside.” :slight_smile:

The reactor looks like two miniature Borg cubes stuck together.

I might have to bounce away from the keyboard occasionally during this episode, but I’ll be here for both of them.

Cool matte painting.

I think Teal’c is already suspicious of them.

I love Sam trying not to laugh at Merrin’s comments about Jack not being as smart as her and Janet.

Daniel’s excited.

I do enjoy a sci. Fi. show that shows culture clashes, without the “Our culture is right” view that you usually get in bad Sci.Fi. … Or Star Trek…

So, a half hour of conversation with Teal’c is good enough tell all of the secrets of th Go’auld?

Yeah, Sam doesn’t draw much either. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bit of an obvious set extension there.

You’d think they would have worked harder to avoid Teal’c and Daniel finding out about the Ovarium.

I know that they have moved to the nanite method to get information, but they should be able to remember how to teach using the old and slow method.

Sounds like pops only cares about his son’s knowledge, not his person.

I would have thought they mentioned the Iris when discussing anti-Goa’uld technology.