Stargate SG-1 2x07 Message in a Bottle

Saturday, 15 October 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

“Undomesticated equines could not remove me.”

Watch online at Netflix.

I’m here. I rushed to and from the grocery store. I get the gist so far.

Good that you’re here. I thought I might be the only one.

Anyone else here?

Dalek prototype! d:

I"m here! Did we start yet?

Welcome! We’re at around 20 minutes in.

How did the random guy get so infected?

Cool. I’ve seen these a few times already so I just fast forwarded.

He’d been poking and prodding at it.

Sorry guys, been a long day. Going to sit tonight out.

He must be on SG5 or something. Those guys are always biting it early.

I just got to the “Undomesticated Equines” line. Am I close?

Pretty close. I just got that a couple minutes ago.

Should have taken the stairs.

I know the mountain is huge, but I wouldn’t trust an elevator right about now.

Lucky floor to get trapped on.

And the extra sick guy, he likes Sam. that’s more deadly on this show than being on SG5.

Oops Walter’s covering up accidentally triggering the destruct.

Hammond’s getting a bit perturbed with Sam.

So funny to see people doubting Carter. d:

Why didn’t they go through the stargate themselves, instead of waiting for someone else?