Stargate SG-1 1x04 Emancipation

On our world, no woman is happy to see us guys.

Because she’d have to clean it up. :rolleyes:

Now notice the lack of Prime Directive issues.

“There’s only 5 more rounds in that clip. Time to go.”

“Since when are you a politician, Colonel?” Ouch, Sam.

On our world, no woman follows the Prime Directive.

“Now if you don’t help me, she’ll be stoned to death!”

Are they talking about the amazing drugs they mentioned earlier? :stuck_out_tongue:

On our world, no woman pees standing up.

“So, unless there is another chieftain.”


“I challenge it.”

Ooh, you gonna get beat by a girl! :eek:

Carter’s fighting stance.

I would have giggle

“It is a fight to the death.”

Couldn’t have mentioned that earlier?

Fortunately, McCoy has something up his sleeve. :rolleyes:


What did you think the fight would be to?

Wasn’t the second episode of TNG ‘Code of Honor’ similar to this?

The pain? :slight_smile:

6 day wedding?

I like that they showed Jack take the safety off.

Other than some behind-the-scenes wrangling by The First One.

I get it. :smiley:

“what is an Oprah?” :slight_smile:

“What is an ‘Oprah’?” :smiley: