How can this kid be in love with the girl? How would they have met?
“The spirits have brought you here to show you how to be a woman.”
That’s it. Woo her.
“… crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.”
Next village over. Probably have parties between them. Trade and stuff.
Yeah, give Sam a knife. Great idea, junior.
Chance encounter? Summer camp?
“If you need to beat a woman to feel like a man, beat me.”
“If you need to beat a woman to feel like a man. Beat me.”
Is the Kunta Kinte moment gonna happen?
Note the total lack of Prime Directive issues. :rolleyes:
“There is never a time to beat a woman.”
Even if she crashes the Enterprise…twice.
I’m so bad.
Never got called Toby.
And when you say no, your father will kill you because you dishonored him.
“No one refuses Turgen and lives.”
Well, she’s broken plenty of the kill the woman laws already. One more shouldn’t matter.
Yes, soon Sam will be the Chief Engineer on a starship and then teach children to read.
On our world, a woman never burns the village down.
Nice distraction, Sam.
“Enough to buy ten women.”
Sam should be flattered.
“500. We’ll pay you back.”
“We’ll pay you back.”
Nice line of BS, Daniel.
I hope no one was behind that tent when Jack shot the gun.