Stargate SG-1 1019 & 1020 Dominion & Unending - SERIES FINALE

June 14, 2014

10:00 PM – Dominion
“So… No IOA? No Reynolds’ men? No television program about dancing with supposed celebrities?”

11:00 PM – Unending
“Being stuck on this ship is worse than being stuck at SGC. I tell you last time I was this bored I took hostages.”

Bump for tomorrow.

Running a bit late.

Shall I pause?

That doesn’t surprise me all that much.

But Adria sure surprised them.

Don’t worry about it, I fast forwarded through the Previously and the opening credits, so I shouldn’t be too far off.

And how do you know what the correct orientation is for the symbol?

Oh, Cam caught it.

Why send an actual team into the unknown address instead of a MALP?

Weren’t there some health and safety issues associated with those wristbands?

Yeah, renouncing Adria is sure to end well.

Looks like plans changed.

Ba’al? Not good.

I love that Vala waves at the video :slight_smile:

Yeah, Vala didn’t get a chance to teach Adria to play well with others. Not that she’s an expert in it herself.

And liking Adria’s costume even more now.

Oh crap, I know what Ba’al is planning.

Well, Ba’als.

And yep, that’s a problem. Good to see another one of those before the end of the series though.

Clever! :smiley:

Vala doesn’t look OK with that.

Well, there’s a twist I suppose I should have seen coming.

And one last shootout in a mothership. Guessing that’s at least part of the reason for the plot of this episode.