Stargate SG-1 1007 & 1008 Counterstrike & Memento Mori

March 29, 2014

10:00 PM – Counterstrike
“Well as your mother I’m putting my foot down. You’re too young to have your own army.”

11:00 PM – Memento Mori
“Thank you for proving me right when I said we could take a chance on you.”

Bump for tonight

Let’s try this again. Without the oops this time. :wink:

Daniel and Vala are undercover there? I’d think they would be more likely to be detected than the rest of SG-1.

OK, the rest of SG-1 was there. Nice hat, Sam.

That doesn’t look good.

Well, that was…grim.

Vala’s sort of the opposite of Daniels other main love interests. The others were taken as hosts after their relationship with Daniel but Vala was freed from the Goa’uld before Daniel met her.

Yeah, that looks like a power core of some sort.

Looking at that generator room, I’m having Star Wars flashbacks.


“That one was Dr. Phil.” :smiley:

Bra’tac just needs to say this council thing isn’t working and take over the Jaffa government.

None of this has been good for SG-1, but this is even worse.

You’d think he’d recognize a “big red button” when he sees it.

“You’re too young to have an army.” :smiley:

Well, that’s not good.

Did you think that might be because the Jaffa have a lot more planets than the Taur’ii?

Probability theory would suggest as much.

“I can be very stubborn.” Talk about an understatement.

You know, this leader guy (Se’tak?) would be more believable if he didn’t still have a bit of a Texas accent.

Could there be interference from the power core?

Oh, or Adria.

Hmm, the control chamber for the Dakara weapon got remodeled since Season 8.